Log in with an Application Login

If you do not have a Windows network log in, you will use an assigned, Facility Scheduler username and password.

To log in with application login credentials:

  1. Open Facility Scheduler to view the application login page..
  2. Enter your assigned Username.
  3. Enter your assigned Password. Passwords are case-sensitive.
  4. The Domain field remains blank.
  5. Click Login.


Facility Scheduler opens displaying the Welcome screen.


Change Password Page

To create a new password: 

  1. Enter your assigned login username in the Login Name field..
  2. Enter your Old Password. This is the temporary password you received from the IT department. Passwords are cases-sensitive.
  3. Enter a New Password. The password must comply with the following requirements:
    1. Contains at least 7 characters.
    2. Includes at least one capital letter, one lowercase letter, AND one number.
  4. Re-enter the password in the Confirm Password field.
  5. Click Save.


Facility Scheduler opens displaying the Welcome screen.


Additional Information

Changing Your Password

Resetting Your Password

Setting Up Security Questions


      Facility Scheduler